What Does Advanced (Plastic) Recycling Have in Store?

Monday, September 6, 2021 09:30 - 10:00

Advanced (or chemical) recycling of plastics is a hot topic in the packaging world. The most optimistic proponents view it as the silver bullet solution to all issues related to plastic (packaging) waste. The strongest opponents, on the other hand, claim that this technology is never going to fly due to all sorts of hurdles, and that these technologies are very bad for the environment.

No matter which side is right, fact is that there is a massive level of interest and investments in this nascent sector. PlasticsEurope, for example, has just estimated that almost EUR 3bln will be invested in chemical recycling in 2025; growing to more than EUR 7bln in 2030.

In her presentation, Susan Hansen will provide Rabobank’s global outlook for advanced recycling by 2025 and insights into key questions like who is going to build capacity, how much, where, and by when. For example, who are the most prominent players in this field, and where is most capacity expected to be built, based on company announcements? And do we already see a winning technology already – or not?

Susan Hansen, Global Strategist for Food Packaging & Logistics, Rabobank