John Nunziato
Founder & CCO, Little Big Brands
1. What are the main responsibilities in your role?
Since our inception 18+ years ago my main role has been driving the company’s vision and growth, specifically by developing a unique voice for the agency and hiring the very best wellrounded people I can find. As LBB’s chief creative officer I’m responsible for pushing our design department to think bigger and elevate our creative offering.
2. What are the three biggest challenges you face on a daily basis?
- Balancing the growth of the agency while being mindful of client satisfaction and realities.
- Finding the time to stay creative and relevant without getting bogged down in office management.
- Staying inspired. If I’m not, that trickles down to the whole agency.
3. Can you describe one of your biggest ‘success stories’ as Founder and Chief Creative Officer at Little Big Brands?
One of the most pleasurable aspects of being a CCO is helping raise my design team to new levels. I take great pride in watching them grow and become in many cases better than me. I’ve always felt my greatest success story will be when I’m the least qualified person at the company, then I know that I’ve done my job well in lifting everyone to their highest level.
4. What do you predict to be the biggest game changer in the industry in the next 5 years?
Digital asset creation and management. If you’re not selling and creating, then you’re dead in the water. I can’t stress that enough and it’s a difficult and in some cases uncomfortable task, as it’s constantly changing. Creating, writing and pushing buttons on a daily basis can be exhausting but it’s imperative to build the kind of connection today’s consumers are looking for.
5. What are the main difference in branding and design between the United States and Europe?
In many cases we’re speaking to a much larger audience. This handcuffs us in some ways but it also keeps us creative. The United States is extremely diverse in terms of its consumer base – the coasts vs. middle America vs. the South or border states. In many cases our brands have to find a middle ground that resonates with many different consumers and cultural mindsets.
6. What brought you as a company to this event?
As we expand as a company and I grow as a person it makes sense to spend time and gain insights from trend-driven countries and conferences. The Netherlands has a unique culture and definitely fits that bill. I’m excited to learn more about the challenges and opportunities brands face in Europe.
7. Can you give us a few insights into some of the issues you’ll be covering in your presentation in June?
In the 30 minutes I have I hope to open people up creatively to the potential they may have inside but that perhaps is blocked by everyday realities. My hope is that celebrating and learning from risks and mistakes; business owners, employees or entrepreneurs will be empowered to think bigger than they have before. In fact, the freedom to fail is a core thread that binds all great creatives and all great creative work.