Marion Sicre

Marketing Manager Brand Solutions, Esko

1. What brought you as a company to this event?
We have attended in the past and found the presentations and quality of attendees a perfect forum for interesting and productive discussions around packaging.

2. Can you give us a few insights into some of the issues you’ll be covering in your presentation in June?
Our presentation is on dreaming big – looking at how you can create the best and derive the most value from your packaging. We will look at specific areas to digitize, automate and connect within your packaging and marketing processes to communicate your brand clearly to consumers – on both the digital and physical shelves.

3. What role does colour have to play in developing a successful packaging design?
The world’s most prominent products are recognized by their brand colours, and according to Kissmetrics, 85% of people say colour is the primary reason they buy a certain product. Keeping that in mind, it is essential for brands to define their colours and maintain quality on a global scale. But for designers, communicating and defining colour isn’t easy. It’s important to utilize tools that ensure the packaging that comes off the production line is identical to that imagined during the design process.

4. Where is the sweet spot between the design and technical elements of packaging? How should the 2 sides of the coin be working together to create a truly great product that speaks to the customer?
The sweet spot in packaging design is where designers are allowed to create freely without worrying about the technical aspects. Using software that immediately pulls in copy from other systems, manages colour, mirrors substrate behaviour, and immediately rips 2D to realistic 3D images allows designers to let their creativity loose, while in the background the technical bits are done for them. This combination allows the brand to sing on the shelf, while keeping legal and regulatory staff happy.

5. A key theme within the packaging industry at the moment is the issue of carbon footprints and sustainability. Do you believe companies are finally starting to take the issue seriously? Is there still resistance where the ‘green’ way of doing things is not the most cost-efficient way?
We know the packaging industry has been taking the issue of sustainability very seriously for a long time. However, beyond just materials an interesting aspect is the push towards a digital ecosystem where the optimum product size that will maximize case sizes and shipment is identified during design. In the same way, using an automated process allows for fewer printed items via an efficient and digital-only design, review and approval process.

6. What do you foresee as being the biggest game changers in the packaging world over the next 5-10 years?

The “digital shelf” is the transformative trend in the packaging industry. While it has disrupted businesses, there are amazing opportunities to maximize shelf shout online by reusing existing, high-quality packaging files. When those are used online (ideally in 3D with 360 degree visibility) the brand is represented well and all regulatory and ingredient information is available in the image, regardless of how, or if, the retailer correctly posts the information.

7. What do you hope delegates will walk away with from your session at Packaged 2018?

An understanding of how packaging can be more than just a necessary cost center; it can enable a connection with the consumer on the digital and physical shelves. That there are efficiencies and improvements that can be made throughout the design, development and launch of packaging that can lift to prominence an often underutilized marketing vehicle.